CaMg-Boost is a powerful organo-mineral stimulator that gives an extra supply of calcium and magnesium avoiding deficiencies in our plants as well as L-amino acids that stimulate the development of the plant and the life of the soil. High concentration product with which we will use 0.3 to 0.5 ml per liter of water.
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CaMg-Boost is an organo-mineral plant booster that prevents Calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg) deficiencies while stimulating powerful fruit set and development. CaMg-Boost is the key to a firm and high quality end product.
- Calcium and magnesium organo-mineral fertilizer
- High concentrations of calcium and magnesium in a single product
- Prevents calcium deficiency
- Prevents magnesium deficiency
- Improves the structure and firmness of flowers and fruits
- Apply CaMg-Boost instead of a separate calcium or magnesium fertilizer.
- CaMg-Boost is totally soluble in water. Leaves no residue in the irrigation system.
- CaMg-Boost has a minimal effect on pH and EC of nutrient solution.
- Use CaMg-Boost combined with K-Boost in the last weeks, to achieve maximum weight.
CaMg-Boost contains L amino acids, calcium and magnesium.
CaMg-Boost is available in 150ml, 500ml, 1000ml and 5000ml packs.
Use CaMg-Boost once a week from the third to fifth week of flare-up. When adding CaMg-Boost, do not use additional enhancers that contain phosphorous (PK 13/14, P-Boost, Super-PK, etc.).
Use 50 ml of CaMg-Boost for every 100 liters of water.
Shake well before using.
- Totally soluble in water.
- Leaves no residue in the irrigation system
CaMg-Boost is a powerful organo-mineral stimulator that gives an extra supply of calcium and magnesium avoiding deficiencies in our plants as well as L-amino acids that stimulate the development of the plant and the life of the soil. High concentration product with which we will use 0.3 to 0.5 ml per liter of water.