Kaya Grow Shop Barcelona WARNS:

The 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, signed in New York on March 30 and amended by the Geneva Protocol on March 25, 1972, ratified by the Spanish State, includes in lists I and IV of internationally controlled narcotics cannabis, its resin, extracts, and tinctures, excluding seeds in accordance with Article 1, 1b.

In accordance with the provisions of Ministerial Order SCO 190/2004, of January 28, 2004, and Circular 6/2004 of the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Health Products, the trade and possession of cannabis seeds is legal in Spain as long as they are not intended for human consumption for health purposes and are exclusively for ornamental or cosmetic use.

It is the buyer’s sole responsibility to be aware of and comply with the laws in force in their country or region.

This is an e-commerce website.

Cannabis seeds are exclusively for souvenir, storage, preservation, or collection purposes.

Grow Shop Kaya Barcelona only sells cannabis seeds to be used in accordance with current legislation and does not intend to induce anyone to act against the law. Grow Shop Kaya Barcelona does not accept responsibility for misuse of the seeds it sells.

The import, possession, and sale of cannabis seeds are not regulated by law according to the Unilateral Narcotics Treaty agreed upon in Vienna in 1961.

In some countries, such as Spain, the cultivation of cannabis seeds by companies, associations, or individuals, without proper authorization, may constitute a crime (Article 25.1 of the Organic Law on the Protection of Citizen Security and Article 368 of the Penal Code). Therefore, the sale of seeds in these countries is exclusively for industrial applications, collection, or genetic preservation.

Companies and individuals from other countries where an export authorization is required must notify and send a copy to Kaya Barcelona Grow Shop well in advance.

Distributors and customers of Kaya Barcelona Grow Shop accept the specific restriction that the seeds should not be used by third parties for illegal purposes. Similarly, there is no intention to promote or induce anyone to act against the law, and everyone is responsible for their own actions.

Seeds will not be shipped to countries where they are prohibited. If someone purchases seeds from a country where it is not legal, Kaya Barcelona will CANCEL the purchase and refund the amount to the customer.

Kaya Barcelona Grow Shop assumes no responsibility for the use of our seeds outside the law.

This website contains information about cannabis and is only accessible to those over 18 years of age who accept these terms.

Credit Cardholder Dispute Resolution Policy

1. Introduction

This document establishes the terms and conditions applicable in case of disputes between KayaBarcelona GrowShop, registered in Spain, and credit cardholders who use this payment method to make purchases on our website.

2. Payment Authorization

By making a purchase on KayaBarcelona, the customer declares that they are the authorized cardholder of the credit card used for payment or that they have legal permission to use it. Any unauthorized use will be investigated and reported to the relevant authorities, in accordance with the applicable legal regulations.

3. Notification of Unauthorized Charges

If the cardholder detects unauthorized charges on their card related to purchases from KayaBarcelona, they are urged to notify their bank immediately. Additionally, the cardholder should contact us to investigate the case through our contact email info@kayabarcelona.com or customer service number +34934328756.

4. Dispute Procedure

In the event that the credit cardholder files a claim or dispute regarding a charge, KayaBarcelona will fully cooperate with the card issuer and relevant authorities to investigate and resolve the dispute.

5. Refund Policy

If it is determined that a charge is not legitimate, the disputed transaction amount will be refunded, provided that the following conditions are met:

• The charge was not authorized by the cardholder.

• The dispute has been notified within 14 days from the date of the transaction.

• An investigation has been conducted that confirms the validity of the claim.

6. Investigation and Resolution

When a cardholder submits a dispute through their issuing bank, KayaBarcelona agrees to:

• Provide all relevant documentation and information that supports the transaction made.

• Facilitate the investigation process conducted by the card issuer.

If the dispute is resolved in favor of the cardholder, a chargeback will be made, and KayaBarcelona will not be liable for additional damages that may arise from the transaction, except as provided by Spanish law.

7. Disclaimer of Liability

KayaBarcelona will not be responsible for errors made by credit card issuing entities or by third-party payment processing services. Nor will it be liable for delays in the refund of funds if such delays are attributable to the card issuer or technical failures beyond our company’s control.

8. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

This agreement is governed by the laws of Spain. In case of disputes that cannot be amicably resolved, both parties submit to the jurisdiction of the competent courts of Barcelona, Spain.

KayaBarcelona reserves the right to modify this policy at any time. It is the user’s responsibility to periodically review this page to stay informed about any changes.
