¡¡ ONLY IN PHYSICAL STORE AND DELIVERY IN BARCELONA CITY !! Butyl plastic to waterproof the soil of a marijuana crop. It is placed on the ground where all the excess water from irrigation or to irrigate by flood will be collected, without damaging the soil or having water leaks towards the neighbors.
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C/Moianes 24 08014 Barcelona Spain
Butyl is a waterproof and air-tight plastic that is used to cover the soil of a marijuana crop, so it can be irrigated by flooding avoiding problems of water through the ground and leaks towards the neighbors. It is also used to cover the interior of planters, water ponds, drains, it has great flexibility and resistance so that it adapts well and does not break
Roll of 4 meters wide by the meters you need in length
Roll 8 meters wide by 20 meters long
¡¡ ONLY IN PHYSICAL STORE AND DELIVERY IN BARCELONA CITY !! Butyl plastic to waterproof the soil of a marijuana crop. It is placed on the ground where all the excess water from irrigation or to irrigate by flood will be collected, without damaging the soil or having water leaks towards the neighbors.